Winnie Wong

Senior Director Of Sales

Since the start of my Financial career in 1991, I have been faithfully servicing my clients as a representative of Manulife. Coming from a humble background, I know how frightening financial insecurity can be. Armed with a wealth of financial knowledge and tools, it is my calling to help everyone who crosses my path to get the best financial care they can, no matter the budget.

It is a personal belief that as people change with age, so do their needs. As a financial planner, it is my duty to take care of my clients’ financial needs and keep track of their changing financial goals. Through annual financial reviews, I re-evaluate their goals with them and recommend adjustments to their protection coverage and investment strategies to optimally meet their needs in the most cost effective way.

Making financial planning as stress-free and useful as possible for my clients is of utmost priority to me. In times of need, I make it a point to guide my clients through the claims process. I do this so that my clients can focus on taking care of themselves and their families.

Over the years, through my genuine care and professionalism, I have developed many long-term relationships and my consistent presence in the industry has convinced my clients that I am in it for the long haul. Often their trust in me, which I have built over decades, has resulted in me becoming their family financial planner. I hope you will give me the opportunity to do the same for you.



  • Senior Director of Sales

  • Green Apples Advisory Branch, Manulife Advisory Group


  • Financial Planning / AFC, Dip SII (Life)


  • MDRT Court of the Table (2019 - 2021) and Qualifying Life Member (2001 - Present)

Recent Testimonials - What my Clients Say

  • Winnie is very professional yet personable!

    Winnie is a very professional yet personable FSC. Whenever I need any advice, she will go the extra mile to ensure that all my questions are address.

    She is also very patient and will explain policies to me during our meet up. I feel at ease to have her as my FSC!

    Lee Chia Ping


    I have known Winnie for the past 20 years through my previous insurance agent from John Hancock.

    During these two decades, I have found her to be reliable, trustworthy and conscientious. Her commitment to her job has earned my respect. On numerous occasions, Winnie promptly responded to my phone calls be it in the wee hours of the morning or late at night during which I required urgent assistance and advice. Apart from that, she provides help every year in reviewing my family’s policies with the necessary documentation. She has never once complained nor failed to put in the time and effort.

    Her competencies and patience strengthened my trust in her, I do not only regard her as an insurance agent but also a true friend. Additionally, Winnie has advised me to look into saving policies for my retirement and I never regretted that I have bought them.

    I would certainly recommend her to my relatives and friends which I already been doing so. I sincerely wish her all the best in the future.

    Jess Chong, Homemaker


    I got to know Winnie from my aunt. Winnie has been an excellent adviser to me over the past many years since

    I started working. Dedicated and patient, she is always helpful and always there whenever I need her. She understands my needs and will tailor accordingly to my financial goals and capabilities.

    My friends and family have benefited from conversations with Winnie and she has also made an impact in my life. I wouldn't choose another Financial Services Consultant!

    Shelly Tan, Customer Service Manager


    I got to know Winnie at least 10 years ago when she took over my portfolio from my previous Financial Services Consultant. Winnie is genuine, committed and helpful. She knows her clients very well and will go to the extra mile to help the client even if it is not related to her work at all!

    Winnie has helped me in many circumstances before, from my own medical claims, my brother’s passed on (as advisor) on CPF matters, my mother’s recent passed on on CPF matters to my hubby's travel policy. etc. Anyone who needs a Financial Services Consultant to propose an effective plan can benefit from Winnie.

    I have personally introduced Winnie to my friend and also told my children to look for Auntie Winnie when they are ready to do financial planning in the near future. Our whole family knows Winnie and adores her and Anthony (Winnie's husband).

    Ashelyn Lee, Group DC Director


    I got to know Winnie from a friend since 2018. Winnie is very experienced. She understands customers' background and explain which policies and coverages for insurance and saving we need for our current situation. She will also follow up with us every year.

    I remember in 2019, I accidentally fell backwards onboard a bus and injured my sacrum. The pain was only felt on the next day. I went to A&E immediately while I contacted Winnie to inform her about my accident. Over the phone, she immediately explained to me my policy coverage and guided me to request for a medical report from doctor. She asked me to rest and just provide her all documents required and receipts and she will help me with the rest of the claim process. She was very efficient. In a few weeks time, I received my claim. To us customers, we rely on our Financial Services Consultant in situations when need to do any claims or updates and I must say that Winnie has done them very well.

    I would refer Winnie to my friends and family. Recently, I just signed up for insurance for my newborn baby with Winnie as well. Hereby, I would like to say, thank you Winnie and I appreciated all your help. Cheers!

    Christine Tan, Logistics Manager


    We met Winnie through a mutual friend whom said she is an experienced, genuine and trusted advisor. Indeed, she lives up to her name and I respect her for her passion and commitment to this industry.

    Winnie has helped us in understanding our needs and provided sincere opinions for us from being singles, to married and to our family.

    She has helped us in many circumstances from our personal plans and hospital matters. I remembered the first time my 3 month old baby was admitted to hospital, she called to understand the situation, gave me assurance not to worry and gave me steps to follow through. Claims process was completed within a month, she is AMAZING.

    Winnie is someone we can rely on for trusted advice and prompt to response to us whenever we have any questions. I appreciate her help and service to review my polices and always take the time to update us on the latest changes.

    I would certainly recommend her to anyone who needs a sincere and trusted opinions, or a genuine friend.

    I'm truly grateful to have known her throughout the past decade, a big THANK YOU to you Winnie. I thank God for letting Winnie and her husband, Anthony cross paths into our lives, XOXO.

    Lim Wei Yong & Anna Liow, Asst Production Manager & Compliance Executive


    I got to know Winnie by chance as my previous Financial Services Consultant left the company. I was then assigned to Winnie and we hit off straight away. Winnie is the most responsible, professional and helpful Financial Services Consultant I have met so far. She always put her clients' interest first before anything else. I can be at ease know that Winnie will always be there to look after and update all my financial needs.

    Most of all, she became our family's friend. Winnie's husband, Anthony makes very very delicious steam glutinous rice and we have the luck to try that before.

    Any family oriented person will enjoy Winnie's company and a conversation with her because as much as she is a good speaker, she is a good listener too.

    Ivy Lim, IT Consultant


    I got to know Winnie when she took over my portfolio from my previous Financial Services Consultants. I still remember when she 1st called me to introduce herself. In my mind, I thought, "change agent again!" We agreed to meet up but did not materialise until 6 months later.

    To my surprise, Winnie is the ONE n ONLY agent that makes me feel most comfortable n relax, not "hard-sell" compared to all the other Consultants from any other companies who service me. Her sincerity n approachable self makes me feel secured in confiding to her not only in financial matters but also personal matters that is not related to her work. She is committed, always helpful n willing to listen to you.

    She is different from other Consultants because she always keep the meet-up session short & sweet, straight to the point and importantly note client needs to know. Not those draggy 3hrs I use to have with other agents which can be very tiring.

    I introduced my family to Winnie, to have her help them in financial planning matters because I find Winnie trustworthy and trust that she will assist my family better in this area. I also feel at ease knowing that Winnie will always be there to look after which new policy suits my current situation and update all my financial needs.

    I had told my still schooling children to look for Winnie when they are ready to do financial planning in the near future.

    You will never find another Consultant like Winnie servicing you with a "purely helping you" mindset. Every now and then, I will receive cold call from other Financial Services Consultants either from same company or others, I will proudly inform them that I do not need their service as I already have Winnie! Genuinely 6 stars service received from Winnie. Love n hugs.

    Jessy Chua, HR Officer


    In 1997, I got to know Winnie through my working colleague. At that time I didn't plan to take up any policies from her. I was young and playful then, making jokes on her and calling her name "Winnie the Pooh". 😂 She has been with me for 24 years since John Hancock time. I was still single when she started as my FSC. Over the years, as I slowly started my family, she subsequently became our family FSC. Seeing my family grow from 1 child till my 3rd one, she is still serving us.

    She is someone who we can depend and rely on for advice and is always prompt to respond to us whenever we have claims. With her help and guidance, we have nothing to worry about. She reviews our family needs periodically and timely and always keep us updated on policy changes and new ones. I have bought quite few policies from life coverage, investment, savings and the latest a retirement policy. I have never regretted that I have bought them.

    Over the years, She is not only our FSC but she has became our friend. I would certainly recommend her to my relatives and friends which I already been doing so. I sincerely wish her all the best in the future.

    Mohamad Amin Bin Hadi & Azizah Binte Aziz, Engineering Maintenance Manager & Senior Associate Executive


    I got to know Winnie through my colleagues. One word to describe Winnie - PASSION! I can see her love and commitment to her job and the heart to help & serve for her client's well-being.

    She seek to understand my needs, provide me with trusted opinions and suggested insurance policies or plans that financially fit me and my family.

    Everyone who wish to have financial/insurance advice will definitely benefit from her consultation!

    Jade Loh, Trade Execution Executive


    I’ve got a chance to know Winnie from my cousin Jamie since 1994. She is a trustworthy and reliable consultant. Her commitment to her job earned my respect. She makes my feel comfortable and relax, very different from my experiences with other consultants.

    She always keep me updated with my policies changes. She is also very helpful and responsive with my medical claims. I appreciate her professional service and the 'always put her clients interest first' attitude.

    Hereby, I would like to convey my appreciation to her. Thank you Winnie.

    Carol Lim, Homemaker


    I have known Winnie for the past 10 years through my Dad and she is servicing my whole family.

    During these 10 years, I have found her to be reliable, trustworthy and patient. Her commitment to her job has earned my respect. Whenever I have questions or need servicing on my policies, Winnie promptly responded to my phone calls. Apart from that, she provides help every year in reviewing my policies and updates me the changes. She have never once complained nor failed to put in the time and effort.

    Her competencies and patience strengthened my trust in her. I would certainly recommend her to my friends. Keep up the good work Winnie.

    Emil Lauw, Operation Executive


    A quarter century ago, I got to know Ms Winnie Wong through my fellow colleagues. She approached me with her warm smile and after chatting, we realised that we were from the same school and we instantly clicked. Although I have a shy personality, her positive vibes and energy cut me off from my perimeter. We moved on to discuss on financial planning after she shared with me the benefits of getting a policy.

    Winnie is genuine, consistent, attentive and knowledgeable. She tailors the best products for me and constantly update me with new products to keep me in the loop.

    I hope that the industry will have more remarkable Financial Services Consultants just like Ms Winnie Wong, benefitting clients with the right product recommendations.

    Marco Woo, Sales Director

  • 尽心尽力,踏实能干,不怕吃苦


    如果要我用一个动物来形容Winnie 的话,那一定是一头“美女牛”!


    Winnie教会我怎么为将来打算。 她很有耐性,有问必答!


    Wendy Wong, Sales


    Ms. Winnie Wong has been helping me manage my insurance protection and wealth enhancement needs since 2010. I got to know Winnie from my parents as she has been my parents’ financial advisor.

    A very reliable and dedicated financial advisor, Winnie helps me prepare a holistic financial plan that supports my life goals and changing priorities, especially when I embrace motherhood. Whenever I need to make a claim, I just need to share the necessary documents with Winnie and the entire process will be hassle-free with her prompt follow-up! I can definitely trust Winnie because she is client-centric and will make recommendations with my interests at heart.

    From the bottom of my heart, I appreciate Winnie for her professional and dedicated service which helps my family and me to be financially healthy while also leading satisfying lives.

    Wong Xiu Yan, Teacher


    I got to know Winnie during my BMT, Army days in year 1993. It is almost 28 year. Thank you for going through all those years. Winnie is responsible and trustful. Great to have known her in my early years. She has been helping me to build up my portfolio.

    We created so many memories together. We had our drinks, disco & karaoke during our younger days. We had out walkabout to Coney Island a few years back when 妹妹 is back in Singapore. We had our overseas trip together in year 2017, Hokkaido. We had so fun together. Our last outing this year to USS in Sentosa. This are all the good memories we had all this years and looking forward for many more to come.

    Thank you for standing by my side. Especially during my hospitalisation last year. Helping me through my claim and advise. From the bottom of my heart, I wanted to said again, A very big THANK YOU.

    Loh Keng Choon, Senior Operations Supervisor


    The best I have met or heard in the industry. Winnie's strength is her top of the class responsibility and her loyalty to her clients.

    The rest of the industry can use her as a role model because if you worship money over sense of responsibility and loyalty, you cannot reach Winnie's level.

    I am honored to have her as my Financial Services Consultant and most of all call her my friend.

    Victor Lim, Digital Graphics & Effects Freelancer


    I got to know Winnie through my brother as she is my brother’s Financial Services Consultant. His first policy with Winne was in 1992, during his National Service. As I needed a Financial Services Consultant to take over my portfolio, my brother recommended Winnie to me in October 2011.

    Till now, I am getting my investment solutions and savings packages from Winnie as I find her pleasant and she is well-knowledgeable in financial consulting. Annually, she reviews my financials and goals together to optimize my portfolio. I’d recommend her to my friends and family.

    Goh Shock Chien, Account Executive


    I got to know Winnie Wong through one of my friend since 2007 till now. From a client, we became friends.

    Winnie is a definitely trustworthy person. She will always try to give me opinions for my needs. I entrust & believe her because she always give the best to her clients.

    Whenever I need her advice or help, she will do her best to help out within her limits. My family and I have benefitted from her service and we have learnt so much from one another.

    Angeline Li, Sales Executive