Rajanderan G. Ratnaswami

Associate Director Of Sales

Experienced Operational Specialist with a demonstrated history of working in the entertainment industry.

Skilled in non-profit Organizations, Negotiation, Marketing Management, Sales and Event Management.

Strong marketing professional graduated from Diploma in Insurance from Singapore College of Insurance.

Keen to Recruit, Train & Development New Talents to be Successful & Significant to Serve the Society!



  • Financial Services Consultant

  • DYP Legacy Unit, Green Apples Advisory Branch, Manulife Advisory Group


  • Manulife High Net Worth Producer, 2017

  • Manulife Production Club. 2017

Recent Testimonials - What my Clients Say

  • Rajan is KFC! Knowledgeable, Fun-to-be-with and Caring.

    I have known Rajan since our "A" Level class and later during our reservist training at ROC and from then we have become close friends. There are numeral memorable events.

    Rajan never fails to invite me for all the various financial seminars held, recently the Estate & Wealth Planning which was an enlightening seminar. He does the annual review with me and updates me as to where I am lacking in term of my retirement planning and medical coverage.

    Rajan is very approachable, and always keep us updated with the latest products and investment portfolios so that I can make a timely decision on my funds and maximise the returns. In short, I would say Rajan is Knowledgeable, Fun-to-be-with and Caring. (KFC)

    Kovalan L T Ramani
    Accountant/ SRK Corporate Services