Pearleen Tan

Financial Services Consultant

Hello! My work gives me the opportunity to provide the poor, middle or even the higher income individuals or families an opportunity to improve their quality of life.

I help create and grow wealth so that you can enjoy the abundance of what life has to offer.

Enjoy the happiness and joy from your new born without having to worry about milk-powder money;

Enjoy the wonders of achieving your dreams without having to give up your rice bowl;

Enjoy the sweetness of retirement without having to worry about income;

Enjoy every blessing without worries.

I believe in my contributions and my works which will be deeply remembered and appreciated by my clients, friends, families in time to come and for a lifetime. This is my lifetime commitment.



  • Financial Services Consultant

  • Green Apples Advisory Branch, Manulife Advisory Group


  • Msc Finance (Hanyang University)

Recent Testimonials - What my Clients Say


    When I first met Pearleen back in 2019, I though “wow, this girl has the right energy. we must hire her!” She was the perfect fit for my team with a bonus - she was fluent in Korean! We would get her to handle the occasional rushed requests from the Korean team. Hehe…

    After 2.5 years, I have come to regard Pearleen as a close friend as well as my 선생님 in Korean language. She is mature for her age and highly adaptable with strong work ethics. She never fails to amaze me with her willingness to explore and learn something completely new and comes back with her opinions. In the fast-pace finance world, she was able to keep up with my questions and provide valuable insights.

    Above all these, Pearleen is a 100% genuine person who gives her best in work and to the people she cares about. It is hard to find the perfect combination of talent, drive, authenticity and trustworthiness in a person. I have always been impressed with the way she treats others around her and her willingness to go above and beyond everyone’s expectations.

    I have no doubt she will thrive in life with her passion in work and her positive energy she shares with everyone.

    Connie Lim, Presentation Specialist


    Pearleen and i started out as acquaintances. I didnt even know she was working in the finance industry. I am someone who would slam the phone down on cold callers and use my baby face to my advantage on financial advisors who approach me outside the mrt. I knew absolutely nothing about finances (like, what is dividends 可以吃的吗?) so embarrassing for someone my age to admit. Yet sweet Pearleen took the time out of her packed schedule to meet up and explain very patiently and most importantly without judgement, the fundamentals of finances as a friend. What started out as small talk about finances led us to having a long lunch which lasted into the evening. During that lunch, i also got to know more about her passions realised that she is incredibly self motivated, grounded, and has a huge heart for others. Her Pearleen white smile lights up the room and her laughter is contagious. That day, I looked her in the eyes and bashfully asked, "Pearleen, I would be honoured if you could help me handle my financial portfolio." We've been living securely as financial consultant and client/friend ever since hahaha. In all seriousness, Pearleen really is someone i believe i can put my trust in. I've been recommending her to my fellow financially blur friends and her earnestness to be of help to others gives me faith in humanity (like, when I told her my friend was looking for a place to stay she offered to accompany my friend) it is truly a blessing to have her as a friend :)

    Stephanie Wee


    The first moment i met up with Pearleen, i am immediately attracted to her down to earth personality, not only she gave me lots of financial advise and insight, but also shared her experience in different aspects of life.

    I learned a lot of financial parenting tips from Pearleen, which none of my previous advisors shared with me before. We talked about how much allowance should I give to my 7 year old and also how I can make use of daily moments to teach my children about money.

    There’s no pressure to get advise from her as she is totally not pushy, but only give genuine and sincere opinions. She has the passion for life (not only towards financial service) which I believe she will be a great adviser and friend to many!

    She is inspiring and diligent, slowly working towards her dreams despite all odds!

    Grace Chang, Piano Teacher


    I have known Pearleen for a long time and she is truly in the right place. She is easy to talk to and acts on request fast. Pearleen placed a lot of thoughts into a client’s real needs and is able to recommend suitable policies to achieve maximum coverage with the proposed budget. Seemingly easy but alot of knowledge and research efforts goes into that - Kudos to that and the professionalism she uphold.

    Victoria Yong, Account Manager


    I first get to know Pearleen as a friend and we became regular jogging buddies.

    On one occasion I share with her about one of my investment policy where my agent have not been serving me. I consulted her about the policy and although I am not her client, she is very generous in sharing financial knowledge which is non biased. She even draw out her own analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the policy and the comparison with the market. What came from me as a casual question, became a priceless financial knowledge gain for me.

    Although I did not purchase a policy from her, she is very objective and open in her sharing and not pushy in closing me. I strongly recommend her as a professional and selfless financial consultant to work with!

    Ang Tze Wei, Engineer & Lecturer


    I knew Pearleen since last year when I started to learn Korean with her. Being her student is a blessing, she is patient with me. She never gets angry even when she has to explain the same thing again and again. She is also able to answer all the weird questions I have.

    Pearleen also helped me to review me and my daughter's policies, helping me to organise them so that at a glance, it is easy to know what I have bought.

    I know Pearleen as someone who never gives up on me. Pearleen, I truly appreciate you and all the effort you have put in me. Thank you!

    Lucille, Party Organiser


    Pearleen and I were ex-colleagues. Our work requires us to travel all the time, away from family and friends. Pearleen was my pillar when we were out in a foreign land trying to get things done.

    Now, Pearleen motivates me to cultivate a healthy lifestyle. We will run together in the morning at 7am! When I feel lazy, she will encourage me, when I feel like giving up after the 1st km, she will push me to do more.

    Pearleen showed me how costly my health can cost if not taken well. But most importantly, she also showed me the solution.

    Pearleen is always smiling, always full of energy, very positive. I never feel tired or bored around her. Her energy keeps me going too. Thank you Pearleen!

    Jade Leong, Project Manager


    I've known Pearleen since our poly days. Back then, she is always the first to be in the lecture room, when we have project work, she always volunteers to do the leftover parts which no one wants to do. As students, we were afraid of presentation but someone has to do the job, and Pearleen never fails to help us present our project confidently and answers all the questions raised.

    Now, she is my go-to person for investment advice. I was so amazed when we had a get together and the amount of knowledge she has when it comes to investing. From mutual funds, to insurance products, and even the new trending Cryptocurrency. I just learn so much everytime we meet. I feel assured because Pearleen knows her stuffs well. You will too.

    Kelly You, Pre-school Educator


    Pearleen is our young and inspiring Financial Services Consultant at Inspire Unit (Green Apples Advisory). She is talented, prudent, honest and upright, and full of compassion. I recall on many occasions which we went for appointments with her clients and I could see a huge amount of effort she puts in to prepare and present to them. Whenever decisions has to be made, her natural honest and prudent self will always recommend the options that are in the best interest of her clients, and not what would benefit her first. This is one thing that really impressed me.

    She is a natural when it comes to making people feel at home. Her positive and energetic vibes makes clients feel uplifted, yet warm and comfortable when working with her. Pearleen will always be greeting everyone in the office and everyone would be uplifted by her warmth and energy!

    Most importantly, Pearleen cares. She would offer to lend her hand when there is a need and will set aside her time to patiently listen to her clients and her colleagues about any challenges faced and give her support whenever she can. Its a great blessing to have you with us, Pearleen!

    Melvin Liu


    Pearleen is a very helpful and somehow very resourceful. My grandma who is in Malaysia had a stroke a few months ago. Due to covid, I could not be with her, I wasn't sure what I could do. But Pearleen being a Singaporean, had more resources than me. I was worried all worried about my grandma condition but Pearleen helped me to analyse the situation calmly and provided me with a big picture of what I have to expect. Both financially and mentally. She gave us pointers on how we can make sure we have enough finances to substain the long term. I am so grateful to meet a friend like you Pearleen!

    Ivy Lee

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