Lau Jia Hui

Associate Director Of Sales

Hello! I am Jia Hui and I am a financial doctor 👩🏻‍⚕️

I started this journey back in 2018 when I was still an undergraduate and till date I am proud to be in this industry.

Being in this industry has certainly changed my view on life and how vulnerable it is. I believe that life is meant to be filled with great adventures with true friends!

I have assisted young families and working professionals to achieve their financial future with my personalized solutions.

I strongly believe in planning with a genuine heart and doing the right things for every client that I have crossed path with. It is an important mission to craft financial reports for every client of mine, for them to understand their financial health at every stage of their life.

Whenever you’re ready to have a financial health checkup done, get in touch with me by hitting that WhatsApp Icon above to connect!

Cheers! 🥂

"Buying insurance can't change your life; instead it protects your lifestyle from changing." - Jack Ma, Founder of Alibaba



  • Associate Director of Sales

  • Green Apples Advisory Branch, Manulife Advisory Group

  • Gravitas Assurance Advisory Unit


  • MDRT Qualifier

Recent Testimonials - What my Clients Say


    Initially, as it was a random meeting online, I was not really keen to proceed with the session. I had the impression that it will be a typical session with all other agents. After listening to a few other financial advisors, they will normally try to upsell their plans quite obviously. Therefore, it built upon me and I was not keen to listen.

    As the session carried on and although I was being direct and honest, Jia Hui demonstrated pure patience, that she was genuine and willing to help. I realized something different and I was surprised she was even able to help withdraw my previous manulife plan which I was not keen on (asked a few agents previously, and all couldn’t/ was not willing to help). Along with it, I was surprised that you were able to even provide solutions to my other investment plans. You were able to relate to my interests and future plans.. I understand that agents normally only help with their current plans with their client (as they only earn from plans signed w them), however, it was totally different with you 😄

    With the change in manulife plan, and with the additional cash flow & advise I got, it totally liberated my mind, knowing that my family will be able to gain more over the longer term due to the adjustments made

    Additionally, you gave proper advice, went the extra mile to think out for us..

    Totally comfortable to relate with, your willingness to help and prompt help was fantastic! Most importantly, you were genuine to help, even with my other plans (not with you).. 10/10! 😆

    Thank you for the change you help with us to achieve what we want in the future. We feel confident and if there’s any chance for us to recommend others, we will! ☺️

    Fantastic support, wishing all the best in your career and future 😊

    Waheed & Family


    I got to know Jia Hui when I left my contact details on Manulife’s website requesting for a representative to contact me.

    Usually I’m quite cautious of insurance agents who approach me. But when I received the whatsapp message from Jia Hui initially, her message felt friendly and warm which made me decide to arrange a date for a Zoom meeting with her to talk about the policy plans.

    During the Zoom meeting, Jia Hui came across as genuine, sincere and very friendly. It felt like she was a long lost friend. Our meeting didn’t feel awkward at all despite it being online and it was our first.

    Jia Hui had been very patient in explaining to me about financial planning and she’s forever available 24/7 to answer my questions.

    Even when I decided to switch to a different policy from the initial which she had prepared for me, she had no qualms to help me with it and took the time to explain the details all over again. The thing I liked about Jia Hui which made me feel comfortable to engage her as my agent was that there was no hard sell on her end, she was sincere in helping her clients and she gave assurance that she’ll be in this business for the long term.

    If I do have family and friends who need assistance in their insurance planning, I'll be sure to introduce Jia Hui to them! Thank you Jia Hui for your assistance rendered to me so far!

    Jean, Compliance


    Jia Hui was highly recommended by my friend when I was looking for a reliable insurance agent.

    As it was my first time applying for insurance, she has shown her professionalism and patience in explaining policy details clearly, ensuring I understand the minute details.

    Additionally, Jia Hui is not only an insurance agent but also a person whom I can trust and rely on. I like her way of keeping connection with her client, recommending policies that suit their needs, not pushy at all and accommodating.

    Given my current financial status and pre-existing health conditions, her dedication and services are above my expectations.

    She went beyond her job limits just to ensure my needs were attended. Hard work paid off; we finally managed to insure 2 plans!

    Thanks, Jia Hui!

    Joy, Undergrad


    I have known Jia Hui from our University days. Jia Hui is very passionate in her work. I approached Jia Hui because I wanted to know how I can start my investing journey.

    She went out of her job scope to see whether I am protected in other aspects and reviewed the existing policies I have and gave advice on how I can better protect and grow my wealth.

    Whenever I have queries, she would reply at her earliest even if its at night/weekend. Thankful to have a friend that I can turn to if I have any queries on my protection coverage or simple financial advice.

    I would recommend her to everyone really! Everyone needs protection because life is full of uncertainties. The least we can do is be certain of what we are covered!

    May Yee, Analyst


    I knew Jia Hui through my boyfriend. Jia Hui is helpful, friendly and lit 🔥

    I have little to no prior knowledge about insurance/ investments but Jia Hui took the time and effort to make sure I understand where I am putting my money into, and I am grateful for that. This itself makes me feel like I was helped by a friend rather than being sold packages that I don’t know if I need.

    If I have any friends looking for a trustable agent for their insurance or investment issues, I’ll definitely recommend Jia Hui for her 5 star service.

    Xing Zhi, Accounts Assistant


    I first met Jia Hui during our university days back in 2016.

    One word I would use to describe her is Passionate because she puts her utmost effort into everything she does and goes all out for her clients, friends and family.

    She helps me to understand the policies I’ve gotten from Manulife down to the very minute details and whenever I have any doubts, she will not hesitate to clarify with me at her earliest convenience.

    Anyone will be able to benefit from a conversation with her as aside from her intensive knowledge in her job field, she provides quality life advice as well.

    Ting Xuan, Analyst


    I know Jia Hui when I was studying in university. She is a very hardworking & cheerful person.

    Time always pass by so quickly when I talk to her because she is super easy to talk to. You will feel like you’re talking to your friend!

    She is always very patient in answering all my questions and clarify my doubts with her knowledge. She will provide you with her genuine opinions/advices and guide you on what you really need to protect yourself/accumulate your wealth.

    I would recommend her to anyone who wish to find a patient & knowledgeable agent to help with their finances/life protection.

    Hui Qi, Business Development


    I got to know Jia Hui in primary school but we weren't that close yet. We got closer in secondary school as we ended up being in the same class for 4 years straight.

    One word to describe Jia Hui is genuine. Her words and actions towards others are genuine. Be it lending a listening ear, giving advice or be there for me as a friend during my lowest points in life. She truly wants the best for people she cares about.

    Aside from being there for me as a friend, Jia Hui has always given me the financial advice I need whenever I consult her regarding my policies.

    I would recommend Jia Hui to anyone who wants to plan their finances.

    Charlotte, Software Engineer


    How I got to know Jia Hui was through the Seedly Reviews.

    There are a number of seedly reviews praising Jia Hui for being knowledgeable and putting clients interest at heart. So I decided to find her to be my agent.

    If there is one animal that I can use to describe Jia Hui, it will be Cheetah.

    It is a little weird to describe a beautiful lady as cheetah. But she do things with lightning speed. Doing work fast and detailed at work. She is very clear on the products she recommend.

    One memorable Event with Jia Hui was when I applied for Careshield Life Supplement.

    Jia Hui is very clear in what is needed to be written in the application. I feel really assured with her as my financial consultant.

    Anyone would enjoy having a conversation with Jia Hui!



    I am a University friend of Jia Hui. Getting to know that she is in the insurance industry, so decided to approach her to give me a second opinion.

    One word that I would use to describe her is Commutative. She listens to her client needs and work out plan to value add onto what client always have.

    Instead of just purely suggest, sometime she will ask the client what they really think about the plan, whether is the plan really fits the client needs. At times when client doesn’t understand on particular areas, she will be very patient and explain clearly to the client.

    She gave me a better picture of how much am I covered. Helping me to plan ahead for my future financial coverage in the event of any unforeseen circumstances happen.

    She is also open to questions and opinions from me. I will check with her for her professional opinion on my current portfolio - are the choices/plans rational in financial stand point. She will listen well and give me various suggestions and plans to enhance if needed.

    Its always a two way conversations instead of just one side doing presentation while another party listen.

    Zack, Trader


    I recall it was just one of the insurance calls to prospects and I did went ahead with the notion of getting current updates from available policies as well and during the first meet up , I was pleasantly surprised by her product knowledge when I asked some questions.

    Jia Hui is currently my advisor and she came across as someone who is able to articulate the benefits and its terms well and gave detailed insights to my current policies with recommendations to improve them. Informed product knowledge , webinars sharing is also updated through messages and this keep us abreast of current trends etc.

    A friendly patient professional who gave great advice and also plans well to ensure that you understood what is beneficial for consumers.

    Dylan Tan, Manager


    Getting an insurance policy has never been such a breeze prior to meeting Jia Hui.

    She is extremely patient, sincere and meticulous in her work. She puts herself in the shoes of her clients to understand and resonate with her clients. She ensures that every detail is being spelt out and ensures that her client understands every minute detail clearly before proceeding; nothing is by force.

    She possesses great communication skills which enable effective and hassle-free communication between the client and herself.

    I would highly recommend Jia Hui to anyone who requires a financial advisor.



    We got to know Jia Hui when we were in the midst of planning the insurance coverage for our unborn child back in March 2022. From our initial engagement with Jia Hui, we found her to be friendly and extremely willing to address our many doubts arising from the protection plans she proposed for our child. Her dedication to her clients gave us the assurance that she would be the right person to take care of our child's protection needs.

    Matthew & Family


    I used to be skeptical & thought that I could live without taking any insurance plans. I had no relationship with my past insurers and I barely know their names. Everything changes after my wife introduced me to Ms Lau Jia Hui from Manulife.

    She has guided me to the start of this journey and explained to me the importance of being insured. Be it for health or finances, Ms Lau showed interest in my family’s well-being and my future.

    I’ve learned a lot of things from Ms Lau & I am comfortable to talk & share my views with her from time to time. I am happy to be a part of this journey and hope to continue this positive relationship without a doubt.

    Suhaimi & Family


    I knew Jiahui through a friend as she is also a fellow advisor in this industry.

    Jiahui is very friendly and super duper efficient. Her positivity shines through everyone and it is really contagious. As a fellow advisor in this industry, I can really see she really gives in her all to help her clients.

    Even though I am also in this industry, she also never fail to go through everything with me to make sure I understand what policies I'm getting into. It's always good to have another good and objective second opinion, which was what jiahui provided.

    I was also very comfortable with her and she's a really sincere lady.

    Jiahui provided a very efficient service and the application was a breeze. Easy and simple to understand.

    Anyone who want a friendly and efficient adviser, look for jiahui!!

    Yixin, Adviser


    My husband recommended me to Jiahui as he felt that there was a need to beef up my insurance coverage after marriage.

    Jia Hui is approachable and never fails to be engaging when explaining about insurance terms.

    I wasn't very keen on insurance prior but decided to give it a try after hearing more from her, as her sessions and policies suggestion were all conducted in a very professional yet personalized way

    I’ll definitely recommend Jia Hui to anyone who needs a financial advisor. Her efficiency is 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

    Julia, Research Officer


    I knew Jia Hui through a Manulife's Service Manager and then a meeting.

    Jia Hui is a very helpful, informative and immensely capable person! She helped in the planning based on the financial requirements. It was a very nice and pleasant experience.

    I would rate her 10 out of 10 and highly recommend for anyone. Kudos to Jia Hui for her expertise.

    Kannan Rangarajan, IT Consultant


    I met Jia Hui last year around march 2021.

    She is very good & patient at what she’s doing. During our first meet up she tries her best to explain in a layman term that I can understand more about planning for my future.

    She is very patient and understanding. She is genuine and her advice and guidance will ensure your future is well protected & planned.

    I would recommend her to anyone who would like to ensure their financial planning.



    I knew JiaHui through a friend's recommendation by word-of-mouth.

    JiaHui is a passionate person who always show her enthusiasm for her clients during the meetings. She will be there to guide and assure you which makes you feel comfortable.

    She shared valuable information about the importance of retirement and some investment plans to keep myself protected.

    After my first meeting with her, I've decided to sign up an investment plan the following week after and entrust her my portfolio.

    I will recommend my close friends to JiaHui to help them plan their future needs.

    Wei Xi, NSF


    Jia Hui was really helpful in offering various solutions to client insurance needs. She can source for various providers, and recommend what she thinks will be most suitable for me.

    I am happy that she approached me to relook at my health insurance plan, otherwise, I may not know that my current hospitalization plan is not at par with my increasing needs (as I continue to age).

    Happy to be on the safe side with Jia Hui’s help.

    Jared. Accountant


    I got to know Jia Hui and Wei Ying through the survey that I filled up.

    They are not pushy and will not ask you to take up any policy unnecessarily.

    They will try to understand our current financial status and our current needs. They will check with us on our current priories before suggesting a policy that matches our needs. Nothing extras.

    As I’m the type who is always very confused with policy details, they are very patient and take as long as it needs to explain to me.

    They are always able to maintain their cool, when I always have ‘surprise’ policy that I had signed previously and forgotten to update them. Making them always have to re-look at all the policies I have again and again.

    Chee Hwa & Yuin Hong


    I got to know Jia Hui through telemarketing.

    She is patient and passionate about her work even though I turn down a few meetup. With her follow up and updates, I finally decided to meet up for her advises.

    She is very professional and well equipped with product knowledge. Jia Hui will patiently listen and summarize for us on our existing portfolio.

    We had gotten some policies plans from her through her advice. Will definitely recommend her service to my friends.

    Jason, Engineer


    I got to know Jia Hui through a phone call after I left my contact details with Manulife in my search for a financial product.

    Jia Hui took the time to go through, summarise and explain my existing insurance coverage. She then advised me on where I was lacking in terms of coverage. She is very effective in communicating the pros and cons of the products and gave me valuable advices and recommendations.

    I would recommend Jia Hui to anyone who is wondering if your current insurance coverage or financial plans is sufficient for your current needs

    Seng Yang, Operations & Admin Manager


    I got to know Jia Hui through a maternity lucky draw. One word I will use to describe her is Honest. She recommends policies based on your needs and not her sales figures.

    Jia Hui has helped me look at my current expenses and policies to determine if I need to add on to my existing portfolio.

    I will recommend Jia Hui to anyone who is looking for a friendly & honest financial planner for themselves.

    Jeslyn, Recruitment Consultant


    I got to know Jia Hui from a close friend.

    Jia Hui is a very warm person. She is very approachable and she always makes me feel welcome to ask for advice.

    Aside from being a good friend and giving sound advice, she helped me with getting a fair plan when I had doubts with my finances.

    Those who are starting out in financial planning, especially young adults starting their career.

    Amelia, Marketing


    I knew Jia Hui from a part time job that I worked at about 3-4yrs back. She taught me well for my job scope and eventually we clique well and become friends/sisters

    One word I will use to describe Jia Hui is Independent.

    When it comes to Financial Planning, she understands me and is willing to listen and advise me whenever I needed.

    I will recommend her to Many. Especially if you are not sure what you should do to protect yourself.

    Li Min, Engineer


    Before knowing Jia Hui (My current manulife advisor), I had no clue about any sorts of investment. Jia Hui was referred through a friend, who was working in the same workplace as her at that time.

    Jia Hui is very knowledgeable in her field, allowing her to deliver and let her investors hear what they want and feel safe with her. Approachable is the word I will use, as to describing her. She is easily approached and is straight forward.

    She has helped me review my current status, put in different investments that benefits me in the long run. Definitely everyone who is looking for an opportunity in investing their money or insurance should approach Jia Hui. 10/10 would recommend.

    Joshua, Army


    I got to know Jia Hui via Manulife's SEO then direct call.

    Jia Hui is a very Solid agent! She helped me plan everything according to my financial status. It is very amazing and good.

    I will highly recommend anyone who has a sporty life and extremely high risk lifestyle to approach Jia Hui for her advice.

    Kenneth, Regional Manager


    I got to know Jia Hui through a friend.

    One word I would use to describe Jia Hui would be friendly. I feel comfortable talking to her about anything. She is so approachable that you won't even feel she's your Manulife insurance agent. She's a friend.

    Jia Hui has helped me manage my finance better. She has thought me how important is it to be insured covered.

    Anyone can benefit from a conversation with Jia Hui as she is really friendly and approachable. She's always ready to hear you out and advise you what's the best plan / coverage you'll need to prioritize.

    Vanessa, Interior Admin


    I got to know Jia Hui via a phone Call, during that time so many insurance agent have been calling me, but I'm more comfortable with Jia Hui as she explains more to me with patience

    Jia Hui is very reliable. As I have very little knowledge about insurance policy, but Jia Hui took her time to explain the details and she did the calculations for me too in order for me and my husband. This allow us to save more and be able to get more benefits for our kids.

    She have help me & my family a lot -like help me to choose a better policy n which is necessary for us with better saving.

    I highly recommend Jia Hui to those who don't really know or understand about insurance policy like me.

    Ema & Family

  • Feel safe and clear with financial advisor.


    I know Jiahui from Benjamin, I thought it would be very expensive for me to buy insurance in Singapore as a foreigners, pass holder. But after she explain to me and recommended me the type of insurance that suits me according to my income and expenses, she cleared my doubts.

    She is a very detailed person and make sure you get want you need instead of the other way round. I feel safe and clear when I deal with her throughout the whole process, will definitely recommend her to my other friends here.

    Pei Ting, Pyshio Physiotherapist

  • Friendly and bright advisor.


    Accidentally came across an insurance agent named Jiahui while searching for PA insurance for my husband and me. Her reviews for service were so good that I decided to contact her for a consultation. Thanks to her friendly and bright demeanor, the consultation went well, and we were able to sign a contract. Even when I had an accident overseas, she contacted me quickly and helped me to process my insurance claim smoothly.

    I was very satisfied with her service, and I plan to entrust her with other insurance designs in the future. I highly recommend her.

    Michelle, Korean Teacher

  • Superb FA

    Most of the concerns i had before we met is mainly the mainstream issues like - is the FA going to "pressure" into buying the plan etc but fret not, it wasn't like that.

    I was searching about FA in general when i came across Manulife website and browse thru and why not acquire some doubts i have and within the same day, you texted and we tried arranging a zoom sesh and the rest is experience and knowledge.

    Jia Hui not only solve my concerns but she also went out of the way to assist me in managing funds and really taking into consideration of whats the needs and wants before really starting, even though we didn’t close the deal but her upmost encouragement and supporting which made her someone you want as your FA.

    The 2 sessions went superb and really love how she explain and take her time to come out with plans and ideas to work it out.

    What I learnt after the session with Jia Hui is - You must really know your priority in life in terms of wealth. just great session with Jia hui.

    Superb FA and we shall meet again some day.

    Azei Azman


    I got to know Jia Hui as she is my eyebrow embroidery customer.

    Some problem I have before meeting Jia Hui is, I do not know who to look for if I need to claim my policies or clarify. I has an existing adviser but I decided to explore with Jia Hui for a review.

    Jia Hui is very friendly and sincere. She clarify each insurance policy that I have. She explained very clearly, meticulously and carefully for my policies, even if I did not purchase from her.

    I feel very comfortable and assured working with her.

    JiaHui is a very friendly and caring adviser that I will recommend to anyone.

    Sally, Beautician


    Before meeting Jia Hui, I had many doubts and lack of understandings of different types of insurance and how it can affect our life, and what kind of protection it can provide.

    I was skeptical on the importance of the function of insurance in the area of wealth and health protection for an individual and his/her family. I was introduced to Jia Hui by a close friend whom had a good experience of purchasing insurance from her.

    Jia hui provided very informative explanation and personalised consultation for me. She also addressed my concerns very well with good knowledge of the wealth management and insurance field. As well as, providing a good suggestions about wealth protection, sharing knowledge on growing wealth. She also took further steps of helping to arrange for LPA/Will endorsement.

    Working with Jia Hui gave me an easy feeling like talking to a good friend. I also can feel that she had the best interest of her client to hear, understand the boundaries and priorities of each individual, thus giving more personalised suggestion. She is Very efficient and does not waste client’s time on persuading /negotiating deals that client are not interested.

    After the sessions with Jiahui, I am clearer on the wealth management and protection measures that a person can do. Thank you for your sharing, Jia Hui.

    Wan Thien, Doctor


    My investment with another company was not doing well & I was not sure what to do about it. Through one of my friend, I thought they way you communicate was clear & not imposing. I went to meet you and hear from you on the advices you have, and what I should do.

    I am very happy working with you as your responsiveness is very good as well as your advice was helpful. You're not pushy and is very knowledgeable, sharing tips to clients on different areas of investments. I started learning on investment tips from Jia Hui. Best wishes for your career. With your skill and client nurturing program, you will sure excel together with your clients.

    Kumar, Project Manager

  • Genuine Financial Advisor

    Genuine and Passionate

    I had my initial doubts about insurance agents in general based on what I heard from past experiences from friends and family members. I also had policies bought a few years ago under another agent and did not have any concrete plans on purchasing anything more. I got to know Jiahui through a roadshow promotion where I left my contact details. During the first meeting, she appeared extremely genuine and her passion towards providing the best for her clients came through during the conversation.

    Jiahui first tried to understand my current needs as well as any concerns I had. For one, I was not interested in ILPs, and she was understanding and there was no pushing on her end to buy those. It has been an enjoyable experience thus far working with Jia Hui. At no point in time did she hard sell any policies and gave very objective views on the advantages of each based on the individual. For example, some policies which were probably no longer great at my current age were not recommended. The whole recommendation process was also extremely transparent.

    Jiahui is very approachable and I have learnt a lot throughout the sessions in terms of my needs while also benefiting in terms of covering any shortfall coverage that I may have. She also went out of her way to provide useful information and materials for my own individual needs analysis. I am thankful to have met such an amazing and dedicated person like Jiahui.

    Zack.C, Compliance